Evolutionary Astrology

I work with Evolutionary Astrology because it gives YOU the power. Your chart brings you home to that which your soul chose to experience in this lifetime, and then it is up to you how you are going to action it. YOU hold the power.

Evolutionary Astrology places the power in your hands. There is no such thing as a good or bad chart, a lucky or unlucky placement. It is entirely up to you how you play your chart. You can action it high or you can action it low. Which means that you hold the power to create any reality that you desire.

Your natal chart is your soul’s blueprint for evolutionary growth in this lifetime. It acts as the remedy point for the past life, allowing you to heal and hone areas which were not fully expressed or honoured in the past life. The planets and their aspects to each other reflect tensions and talents, wounds from the past life and curiosities in this one. Exploring your chart gives you the cosmic wisdom to heal and grow.

Star Spark Astrology

Star Spark came to be through my own journey with Astrology. From the day I first had my natal chart read I’ve been in love with Evolutionary Astrology and have been studying ever since. My business and my offerings have emerged from my own healing journey, guided by the wisdom of my chart.

I have my Moon in Cancer on my MC, so my Moon comes very much into my work with my clients and my approach as a whole. I hold space for the quiet parts of us, for the soft. Some of us are shinier than others, and we all have that within us somewhere, but we also hold the quiet, some of us more so than others, and here there is space for the quiet to be exactly what it is.

Evolutionary Astrology is a divine tool of empowerment but I hold space for return first. We must come home to who we are, sit softly with our authenticity, and allow ourselves to love it. Then we rebalance, coming into outward expression of who we are, and from there through taking radical responsibility for ourselves we step out empowered and unapologetic.