Your birth chart harbours the blueprint of your soul. The evolutionary desires of your soul right now, and the medicine for past lives.

Understanding your chart is a sacred remembrance. For it holds the purity of the intentions of your soul. Free from the conditioning and trauma which has damped your flame.

Working with your birth chart is a lifelong practice of coming home to your full authenticity and reigniting your soul. The layers continue to deepen as you heal and expand.

This is the cosmic permission you’ve been desiring: to be exactly who you are.

My coaching containers are 1:1 spaces in which you can find the safety within yourself to come home to your most authentic expression.

You already hold the wisdom and intuition you need to do this healing. But as we experience the conditioning and shaming of society we lose sight of our own gifts and go into necessary but disempowering survival responses.

I come into the space not only as an Evolutionary Astrologer but also as a guide who has an outside perspective to remind you of the strength, creativity, and magic which you are.

In these spaces we follow the unique cosmic map of your birth chart, deeply guided by our intuition. As well as accessing other healing modalities such as ritual and EFT tapping.

Healing is a deep and layered process. My containers are spaces in which to embark on, continue, and ever expand within this journey.

Our physical vessel is deeply interconnected in the journey of our soul.

Yes, we are souls traversing many lifetimes, but we have come to Earth to be in these physical bodies and it is so deeply, deeply important to be connected and attuned to them.

These somatic tracks are tools for you to regulate and expand your nervous system, spaces in which to drop into your body.