Deeply exploring the placements in your birth chart, alchemising old ways you’ve actioned them to survive into new abundance.

Making your inner world a safe place and embodying your self worth.

This is a 16 week 1:1 container for us to truly unfurl the layers of your soul’s evolutionary desires. It’s like having a Blueprint reading over four months.

We will spend two weeks each on eight different placements in your birth chart. In the first week, exploring your past, current, and desired dynamic with the placement. And in the second week, integrating with somatic supports like EFT tapping, timeline work, alchemy tracks.

This container is for you who is ready to step into the most embodied version of who you are — the you which you’ve not yet even dared to dream possible 🌟

Investment: £1,777 (payment plan available)

WEEKS 1 & 2 Beginning, The Moon intentions, ‘housekeeping’, the emotional body & intuition

WEEKS 3 & 4 The Sun the life force, the vision

WEEKS 5 & 6 The Ascendant the persona, the funnel

WEEKS 7 & 8 Mercury style of perception & communication

WEEKS 9 & 10 Venus values, resources, & relationship

WEEKS 11 & 12 Mars desires, sexuality

WEEKS 13 & 14 -Lilith the wild woman within

WEEKS 15 & 16 Chiron, Closing the wounded healer, reflection, celebration